KW Select - FAQ

What is Select Baseball?
The Kitchener Panthers and Waterloo Tigers Select programs are for registered KW House League Baseball players who are looking to play more baseball at a higher level, and with an extended season. The Select Program offers players an opportunity to develop their skills and compete against teams outside of the House League program, while still participating in House League games.
Where does House League fit in?
All Select players are required to participate in their local House League program. The schedules for both House League and Select are carefully coordinated to avoid conflicts, allowing players to fully participate in both. More information on House League can be found here.
Does it matter what city I live in?
No, the good news is that since our Select Teams are made up of House League players from both Kitchener and Waterloo, you do not need to live in a specific city to try out. Once the teams are formed, they will be designated as either Waterloo Tigers or Kitchener Panthers.
What is the time commitment for Select Baseball?
In addition to House League games and practices, the Select Team will have games and practices. As where the majority of House League games are on weekdays, Select games and practices typically occur on the weekends. The season typically starts in June and runs until mid-August. If your team advances to the OBA’s, the season could be extended into late August or early September. If your team is part of the fall tryouts you may have winter workouts to prepare for the summer season.
Will my child need to travel for Select Baseball?
Yes, Select Teams frequently travel for games and tournaments. Each team is registered in a “loop” of surrounding cities through the ICBA, which will schedule home and away games for the season. Home games will be held at either a Waterloo or Kitchener diamond, while away games will require travel to the host city. Additionally, some Select Teams may enter tournaments, which could involve further travel.
What is the cost to play for a Select Team?
The cost for Select Baseball is generally around $500 per season. This fee typically covers the cost of uniforms and basic team expenses. However, it does not include travel-related costs for tournaments or away games, such as hotels, transportation, or meals, which are additional.
What can we expect for tryouts?
Tryouts are held by coaches to evaluate players' skills. These tryouts can take place either in the fall or the spring usually in March and April and sometimes span over two dates. Players are assessed based on hitting, pitching, fielding, base running, and overall baseball knowledge. After tryouts, coaches decide which players make the team. More information will follow once our coaches are in place. If you would like to be notified when tryouts are for Select, click here to register your email.
How many players will make the team?
Each team will have (usually) a max of 12 players. These teams usually consist of players from two age groups, as opposed to rep programs which only cover one age group. For example, in the 2025 season, the U11 Select Team will consist of players born in 2014 AND 2015.
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